





The European Federation of Cytology Societies


1. The Organization shall be called the European Federation of Cytology Societies (Federation Europeenne des Societes de Cytologie: Vereinigung Europäischer Gesellschaften für Zytoloqie) : E.F.C.S.
The Federation shall be non-sectarian and non-political.

2. The official address of the Federation will be that of the Secretary General.

3. The official languages of the Federation are English, French and German.

4. The policy of the Federation is:
a) to promote professional training of both medical and non-medical (scientific and technical) cytologists
b) to encourage uniformity of minimum requirements in the training and qualification and practice of cytology
c) to encourage exchange of knowledge and experience
d) to solve problems of common interest, both scientific and organizational
e) to encourage friendly relations and exchange between members.

5. The Federation will meet (alternating between countries in the West and those in the East) for a Congress, Symposium or Training Course once every year. The announcement of programs shall be announced in Newsletters and offered to suitable national and international journals and, in particular, to Acta Cytologica.


6. Membership of the Federation is by country, represented by the national societies of cytology. Where no one national society of cytology exists, the Federation may provide a form of temporary interim affiliation with observer status. Where more than one national society exists, representation will be shared between the societies concerned.

7. The request for admission to membership shall be submitted to the officers and accompanied by details of the organization of the prospective member society (i.e. statutes and list of members).

8. Admission to membership is by majority vote in council

9. Membership can be terminated by resignation, expulsion, or if the membership fee is two years in arrears. Expulsion is by order in council. Resignation can be at any time by announcement to the officers.

10. The bodies of the Federation shall be:
a) the officers
b) the council
c) the auditors


11. The officers are:
a) the president
b) the past-president
c) the president-elect
d) the secretary-general
e) the meetings secretary
f) the treasurer

12. The president and the officers are elected by the council this voting takes place by ballot. The term of office for the president, the past-president and the president-elect is one year. The term of office for the meetings secretary is one year. The term of office for the secretary general is three years, preceded by one year as observer without right of vote. The term of office for the treasurers is six years. No one person can be an officer for more than six consecutive years.

13. The officers will handle the current problems of the Federation. Their duties are:
a) to convene the meeting of council
b) to arrange scientific meetings
c) to manage the funds of the Federation
d) to examine the requests for admission of new members and all proposals for the annual meeting of council.
e) to represent the Federation
f) to consult experts when necessary.

14. The president and a second officer shall sign in the name of the Federation. By special decision of the officers, a single officer can sign in the name of the Federation.


15. The council shall be composed of the officers and two delegates only from each of the member countries, even though more than one National Society may exist.

16. The council shall meet once every year.

17. The functions of the council are:
a) to accept the report of the last annual meeting
b) to accept the presidential annual report
c) to endorse the financial statements and the reports of the auditors
d) to endorse the budget
e) to fix the membership fees
f) to elect the president
g) to elect the officers and the auditors
h) to deliberate on the items of the agenda
i) to fix the date and place of future council meetings
j) to deal with various other matters affecting the Federation or its constituent members
k) to form ad hoc subcommittees when necessary to solve special problems.

18. The announcement of a meeting of council shall be sent out three calendar months in advance in two copies to each member and must state the time, date, place and full agenda.

19. The officers are bound to submit any proposal sent in by one or several members to the next meeting of the council. Proposals must he received by the officers at least four months in advance. There can he no voting on a matter that is not included as an agenda item.

20. Votes in Council: Each of the officers will have one vote, and each member country will have two votes in council.

21. Votes in council are binding only when a quorum of 50% of the total votes are present. If there are insufficient votes, there must be a postal vote. The president will be charged with the organization of this vote.

22. With the exception of Clauses 23 and 30, votes are binding on a simple majority of those present in council. An open vote should be the rule, but if anyone of the members demands it, then voting will take place by ballot. In this case, the council must elect two tellers (or ballot counters) .Should an equality of votes result, a re-vote must take place. On a second tie of votes, the president has a casting vote.

23. Proposals for revision of the statutes must be submitted to the officers. They must be sent in full text to all members together with the announcement of the meeting. They can be accepted only on a 2/3rds majority of the council.


24. The funds of the Federation will be acquired from:
a) membership fees
b) donations
c) various benefits

25. The funds are to be managed by a treasurer.

26. The auditors are appointed by council. They need not be members of the Federation. They will examine the financial statements and present an auditor's report to council.

27. The membership fee shall be decided by council on the proposal from the officers.

28. The financial year shall run from lst January to 31st December.


29. A proposal to dissolve the Federation must be sent to the officers who will submit it to the next meeting of council. A ballot of members should then be made, when a 2/3 rds majority would be necessary to dissolve the Federation.

30. The dissolution shall be handled by the officers unless the council decides otherwise. The remaining funds shall be shared equally between member societies.

Turku, 1991