French Society of Cytology on UEMS Meeting 2011

Dear colleagues,


Reading your comments and considerations about cytopathology was really a pleasure. As most of your Societies, The French Society of Cytology (SFCC) supports the EFCS’ proposal i.e cytopathology as a “subspecialization”. (I agree with Jaroslava; why not only “specialization”)

In France we consider that Cytopathology belongs to Pathology and we do not want to separate one from the other.  But some “specializations” in our own specialty need some additional training. Cytopathology belongs to this category. A common trunk is necessary because progress in histopathology is required before sarting with cytopathology. However, cytopathology represents a specific way of dealing  with diagnoses. The practice of cytopathology at a high level of competence needs a comprehensive approach of specific techniques and cytological criteria. Knowledge of histopathology is the first mandatory  step, but a specific 6-12 month training devoted to cytology is obviously required. The innate acquisition of competence in cytopathology is just a “figment of the imagination” for gynaecological cytology as well as for effusions or FNAs.


Our representatives for France are F Capron and C Adem. C Adem will be joining the meeting in Split this week-end. He has been informed about the SFCC “position” and he is up to date with us.


Best regards to all of you. I wish you a nice and intensive working WE


B. Cochand-Priollet, MD, PhD, MIAC

President of the SFCC

Hôpital Lariboisière
2 rue A. Paré
75475 Paris cedex 10
Tel 01 49 95 83 30
Fax 01 49 95 85 36