SIAPEC-IAP (Italy) on UEMS Meeting 2011

Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia diagnostica,
Italian Division of The International Academy of Pathology


Dear Colleagues,

The Directory Board of the Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia diagnostica, divisione italiana dell’International Academy of Pathology  (SIAPEC IAP) has discussed the letter sent by the Colleagues Schmitt, Vielh, and Toetsch of the European Federation of Cytology Societies (EFCS), about the declaration of Cytology as a new subspecialty in the program of Pathology Standardization among the European Countries. This proposal will be discussed during the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), Saturday, May 21, 2011, in Split and scheduled at point 9 of the agenda. The SIAPEC Directory Board want to stress its strong support and approval to the position of the EFCS, as clearly conveyed by President Schmitt and Colleagues. Harmonization of Medicine practice all over Europe has the mandatory obligation to guarantee patients and referring doctors of the quality of the Cytology Diagnoses. Important and evident efforts in order to obtain well-trained professionals has been achieved in the last decades by EFCS all over Europe and in east-European countries as well.

Professor Ambrogio Fassina has been nominated by the SIAPEC Directory Board as its representative in the discussion of this relevant point.

With best regards

Claudio Clemente, MD

Presidente SIAPEC IAP
Responsabile del Servizio di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia
Casa di Cura San PioX
Via F. Nava 31 – 20159, Milano
Tel. +39.0269516440
Fax +39.0269516449
Istituto Clinico Sant’Ambrogio, Gruppo Dan Donato
Via Faravelli 16 – 20149 Milano
Tel. +39.0233127033