EFCS Statute (validity 2007-2009)

See current version

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The European Federation of Cytology Societies

EFCS SΤAΤUΤE  (Paris 2007)

Section 1. The Organization shall be called the European Federation of Cytology Societies: E.F.C.S. The Federation shall be non-sectarian and non­political.

Section 2. The official address of the  Federation shall be in Belgium, where it shall be registered as a non-profit making organization.

Section 3: The official language of the Federation shall be English.

Section 4.  The policy of the Federation is:

a)      To promote professional training of both medical and non-medical (scientific and technical) cytologists
b)      To recommend minimum requirements ίn the training , qualification and practice of cytology
c)      To encourage exchange of  knowledge and experience in cytology
d)      To solve problems of common interest, both scientific and organizational
e)      To promote scientific and organizational projects of common interest
f)       To encourage friendly relations and co-operation between Members Societies
g)      To support cytologists’ applications for grants from governments, foundations or agencies for cytology projects.
h)      To advise official health institutions about the role of cytopathology in disease prevention and diagnosis

Section 5. Congress and Tutorial.
The Federation  shall hold a Congress and/or Tutorial each year hosted by a Member  Society as decided by Council.
Programmes shall be announced on the Federation website and its official Journal as well as in suitable National and International Journals.
The budget of the Congress or Tutorial shall be agreed in advance as a contract between the Federation  and the Society.
The host Society of the Congress or Tutorial shall be selected by Council at least two years ahead.

Section 6. Membership.
Membership of the Federation is by  Society and not by individual.  Where nο one national society of cytology exists, the Federation may provide a form of temporary interim affiliation with observer status. Where more than one national society exists, representation will be shared between the societies concerned.

Section 7. Request for admission.
A request for admission of a society to membership shall be submitted to the Officers of the Federation  accompanied by details of the nature of the society, including its statutes and a list of members, as well as a written agreement to pay the annual subscription.

Section 8. Admission.
Admission to membership shall be by majority vote of Council.

Section 9. Membership end.
Membership may be  terminated by resignation, expulsion, or if  the membership fee is five years ίn arrears.
Expulsion shall be by order of Council.
Resignation can be at any time by announcement to the officers.

Section 10: Bodies of the Federation.
The bodies of the Federation shall be:

a)      The Officers of the Federation
b)      Council of representatives  of Member Societies
c)      Working Groups appointed by Council.

Section 11: Officers.
The officers of the Federation shall be:

a) The President (nominated by the Society hosting the following Congress)
b) The Secretary-General (Chair of the Council)
c) The host Meetings Secretary (nominated by the Society hosting the following Congress)
d) The Treasurer of the Federation
e) The Federation Meetings Secretary

The immediate past-President and the President-elect shall be co-opted as non-voting members of Council

Section 12: The President, host Meeting Secretary and President–elect shall be nominated by the Society selected to host the Congress and approved by Council.
The Secretary General, Treasurer and Federation Meeting Secretary shall be elected by ballot in Council.
The term of office for the President, Meeting Secretary, past-President and President-elect shall be one year. The terms of office for the Secretary General, Treasurer and Federation Meeting Secretary shall be three years and all may  re-elected to the same office for a second term.
No person shall be an Officer for more than six consecutive years.
The three Federation Officers shall be elected in different years.

Section 13: Officers’ duties.
The officers shall handle the current problems of the Federation. Their duties shall be:

a) To convene the meeting of Council.
b) To arrange scientific meetings and represent Federation on the local organizing committees.
c) To manage the funds of the Federation.
d) To examine the requests for admission of new members and all proposals for the annual meeting of Council.
e) To represent the Federation.
f) To consult experts when necessary.

Section 14. Document signature.
The Secretary General or Treasurer may sign documents and cheques  in the name  of the Federation.

Section 15. Council and Committees.
Council shall be composed of the Officers and two delegates  from each Member Society.
Committees of the Federation shall include:

a) Executive Committee (the Officers of Council and Working   Groups leaders).
b) Council of Federation.
d) Cytotechnologist Committee.
e) Working Groups set up by Council for specific purposes.

Section 16. Council Meetings.
Council shall meet once every year.

Section 17.  The functions of  Council are:

a) To receive  the report of the last Annual Meeting.
b) To receive  the Officers’ annual reports.
c) To endorse the financial statements and the reports of the auditors.
d) To endorse the budgets of the congresses and tutorials.
e) To decide  the membership fees.
f) To decide venues for future congresses and tutorials.
g) To approve the President, President-elect and host Meeting Secretary nominated by the Societies hosting future annual Congresses.
h) To elect the Secretary-General, Treasurer and Federation Meeting Secretary.
i)    To elect the Chairmam of the QUATE Committee
j) To appoint independent auditors.
k) To discuss items on the agenda relating to the business of the Federation.
l) To decide the date and  place of future council meetings, congresses and tutorials.
m) To deal with any other matters affecting  the Federation  or its constituent member societies.
n) To form ad hoc working groups as necessary to solve specific problems.

Section 18. Annual meeting announce.
The announcement of the Annual Meeting of Council shall be sent out one calendar month in advance to each Member Society   stating the time, date, place and full agenda.

Section 19. Proposals from Member Societies.
The officers are bound to submit any proposal sent in by one or several Member Societies to the next meeting of Council.
Proposals must be received by the Officers at least six weeks in advance.
There shall be  no voting on  matters that  not included as an agenda item.

Section 20. Votes in Council.
Each of  Officer shall have one vote, and each Member Society will have two votes in Council.

Section 21. Quorum.
Votes in Council are binding only when a quorum of 50% of the total voting members are present.
If there are insufficient votes, there must be a postal vote.
The Secretary General shall be charged with the organization of such a vote.

Section 22. Voting rules.
With the exception of clauses 23 and 30, votes are binding by a simple majority of those present in Council.
An open vote should be the rule, but if anyone of the members demands it, then voting will take place by ballot. In that case, Council shall elect two tellers (or ballot counters).
Should there be an equal number of votes for and against a proposal The Secretary General shall have the casting vote.

Section 23. Revision of the statute.
Proposals for revision of the statutes must be submitted to the Officers.
They must be sent in full text to all Member Societies together with the announcement of the Annual  Meeting.
Proposals can be accepted only by a two thirds majority of  Council.

Section 24. Funds.
The funds of the Federation must be acquired from:

a) Membership fees.
b) Congress and Tutorial surpluses in proportions agreed with host Societies.
c) Donations.
d) Commercial sponsorship.
e) Grants.

Section 25. Funds management.
The funds are to be managed by the Treasurer.

Section 26. Independent auditors.
Independent auditors are appointed by Council. They will examine the financial statements and provide an annual report, which shall be presented to Council by the Treasurer.

Section 27. Membership fee.
The membership fee shall be decided by Council οn the proposals from the officers.

Section 28. Financial year.
The financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December.

Section 29. Dissolution.
A proposal to dissolve the Federation must be sent to the officers who must submit it to the next meeting of Council. A ballot of Member Societies should then be made and a two thirds majority would be necessary to dissolve the Federation.

Section 30. The dissolution shall be handled by the officers unless Council decides otherwise.
The remaining funds shall be shared equally between Member Societies.


Jose-Maria Rivera-Pomar,   Spain
Helen Koutselini,              Greece
Beatrix Cochand-Priollet,   France
Amanda Herbert,            England

Paris, 16-17 June 2007.