Mini Tutorials
Cytopathology of salivary gland tumours
This is the first EFCS virtual mini tutorial with free access and it is our pleasure to invite all cytology audience to participate. It is dedicated to the salivary gland cytology, prepared and shared by renowned cytopathologist Dr Franco Fulciniti. The mini tutorial is comprised of virtual slide seminar and PPT presentations that fully illustrate the topic. Two presentations give us comprehensive insight in cytology of benign and malignant lesions and tumours, and the third one addresses the role of ancillary techniques in the Milan System of reporting salivary gland cytology. In the virtual room you can browse and look at the perfectly scanned slides of beautiful cases with wide range of diagnosis. The links below will take you to the platform where you can start your journey of learning. Immerse in cytology and enjoy!
For benign lesions:
The presentation “Cytopathology of benign salivary gland tumours” can be accessed from slide No 1.
The presentation “Post-analytical issues: the role of ancillary techniques to refine the diagnosis: what is true and what is false – role of ancillary techniques in the Milan System” can be accessed from slide No 2.
For malignant tumours:
The presentation “Cytopathology of malignant tumours of salivary glands” can be accessed from slide No 1.
To access the workshops, please register yourself. Registration is free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please do not use your actual name or your email address or anything else related to your identity as a credential for registration.

Franco Fulciniti, M.D., PhD, MIAC
Head of Clinical Cytology Service, Istituto Cantonale di Patologia, Locarno, Switzerland