Curriculum Vitae Ambrogio Fassina:
Personal Data:
Family name: Fassina, Personal name: Ambrogio
Born 1951 02 21, Monza (MB), Italy.
Department of Medicine, University of Padua, Via Giustiniani, 2, 35121 Padova.
Professional Curriculum:
1970-1976: Degree in Medicine, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
1976-1979: Post graduated Pathology, University of Genova, Italy
1979-1985: Post graduated Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Padova
1993 to date Director Medical Library B Pinali (
2010-2012 Director Dpt Medical Diagnostic Sciences and Special Therapies, University of Padova.
Periods of abroad studying and research:
1976: Dpt of Pathology George Washington School of Medicine, NCJ Bethesda Maryland, USA,
1979-80: Dpt of Pathology Goteborg Universitet, Svezia.
Affiliation and offices in scientific society:
1980 to date: Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citologia Diagnostica (SIAPEC)
2005 to date: Member of technical-scientific Council of Cytology of SIAPEC
2009 to date: Member of EFCS
2011-2013: Member of the Directory Board of SIAPEC
2011: Editorial Board of Cytopathology
Medical activity:
Pathologist & Cytopathologist
1995 to date Head Unit of Clinical Cytopathology, Padova University Hospital
Teaching activity:
1976/77: University Assistant
1977/1984: Tecnico Laureato
1984: Associate Professor Pathology, University of Padova, Department of Pathology.
2004: Professor of Pathology, University of Padova, Department of Pathology.
2007: Full Professor of Pathology, University of Padova, Department of Pathology.
2010: Director of the Department of Medical Diagnostic Sciences and Special Therapies, University of Padova.
Reviewer activity:
Prof Fassina served regularly as referee for pathology journals: Cytopathology, Journal Thoracic Oncology, Japanese Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Molecular Pathology, Journal Clinical Pathology, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Tumor Biology, BMC Cancer, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, New England Journal of Medicine, Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, World Journal of Surgical Oncology.
Scientific activity:
Prof. Fassina investigates neoplastic pathology of adrenal gland, lung and thyroid gland; in particular: 1) receptors and signal pathways involved in tumor development and progression, 2) tumoral microenvironment, 3) development and improvement of methods in cytopathology.
Prof. Fassina is author of more than 100 publications on international journals, 3 volumes and 5 chapters in books, and has been invited to lecture and chair at several national and international conferences.
Grants and Funded Projects:
1984 AIRC Thyroid Epidemiology (70 milioni);
1989 Regione Veneto project for the Study of estrogen and progesteron receptors in differentiated thyroid carcinomas (70 milioni);
2002 B Unit Ricerca Interuniversitaria ex 40% on Aldosteronomas;
2004 B Unit Ricerca Interuniversitaria ex 40% on Breast Cancer;
2006 University grant for the study of new fixatives in Pathology;
2007 Regione Veneto project for the early diagnosis of Lung Cancer (euro 200.000);
2007: PRIN (ex 40%) (prof De Caro);
2008 Progetto di Eccellenza CARIPARO (project prof Piccolo euro 1.009.000);
2009 Progetto di Ateneo Proteomica (project prof. Fassina euro 44.000,00);
Prof Fassina was granted for (progetti grandi attrezzature scientifiche)
2009 euro 90.000 Leica Image Scanner
2010 euro 126.000 Magnetic Resonance Consolle
2011 euro 124.000 MicroTAC.