Training course in Nigeria
The course in cervico-vaginal cytology for the training of n.6 cytoscreeners dedicated to the screening for cervical cancer in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, is in preparation.
The course includes the participation of 9 volunteers teachers (pathologists/biologists experienced in cervico-vaginal cytology and with a good knowledge of English).
The volunteers teachers will held their part of the program on site, according to a schedule with rotating shifts, for periods of time not less than 2-3 weeks, according to their own availability.
The course will be held at the Histopathology Department of the Federal Medical Center in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
Teachers will be reimbursed for travel expenses.
The housing conditions are underway with local institutions, with the basic requirement of safety guaranteed by the authorities.
It should be noted that, given the current situation in Nigeria, Owerri zone and Imo State doesn’t present particular risks (other than those usually present in all the countries with an high poverty rate) because almost entirely Christian.
The course should begin in July 2012, circumstances permitting, and it should take 8 months.
We appeal to those wishing to participate in this extraordinary experience (and have the necessary requirements) to contact:
Dott. Roberto Monaco
UOC Anatomia Patologica
AORN Cardarelli – Napoli
Cell.: +39 3355374740
Tel. Lavoro: +39 0817473543