QUATE Exams 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Friday 8th May 2015, 2.30pm
The exam will take place as part of the EFCS tutorial.
Institute of Pathology
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
Korytkova 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana
This exam is available in conventional cytology/ Surepath & Thinprep
Available Language(s): Slovenian and English
Please contact Helena Gutnik for more details.
Application form (download it here) must be sent to: helena.gutnik@gmail.com attached to an e-mail message. Do not send conventional mail !
Helena Gutnik, MD, PhD,
Email: helena.gutnik@gmail.com
Institute of Pathology, University of Ljubljana
Korytkova 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana
The fee is: 80 Euros if taken as part of the tutorial and 150 Euros if you attend the QUATE exam only.
Based on their applications the candidates will receive invoices and after the payment they will get the confirmations.
Wiener Neustadt, Austria, Friday 4th July 2015 11.00am
The exam will take place at: The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt,
please find address at http://www.fhwn.ac.at/en
This exam is available in conventional cytology/ Surepath & Thinprep
Available Language(s): German and English
Please contact Dr Helene Wiener for more details
Applications should be sent to: helene.wiener@meduniwien.ac.at
Helene Wiener, MD, PhD
e-mail: helene.wiener@meduniwien.ac.at
Klinisches Institut für Pathologie
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1090 Wien,
Austria, Europe
The fee is: 180 Euros