Pathologists beyond the Borders

Appeal for volunteers for training teachers in Nigeria!! Come with us to educate local cytologists: they will be the best support for tumor prevention in their Country

Cervical and breast cancer screening in Nigeria

The Association of Italian Pathologists “Pathologists beyond the Borders” NGO (Patologi oltre Frontiera) is preparing a project for the creation of a screening program for the most frequent female cancers in Nigeria.

The project concerns the implementation of a screening program for cervical cancer (by Pap smear) and breast cancer in IMO State, one of 36 states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in a territory with a population of about 4.5 million inhabitants, with center in the capital, Owerri.

The most common neoplastic diseases among women in Nigeria are the cancer of the cervix and breast, which, in most cases (80%) are diagnosed only at an extremely advanced stage.
The main reasons for the high incidence of a late diagnosis are linked, among other things, to the very low presence of facilities and experienced staff in Histo-Cytopathology, to the inability in the screening procedures, misinformation and lack of consciousness about the importance of an early diagnosis.

The project, conducted in partnership with the non-profit organization “SOSolidarietà” (which will be responsible for the on site training of gynecologists, obstetricians and nurses and for the organization of a regional network for the collection of samples), will provide the strenghtening of the Histo-Cytopathology Laboratory at the Federal Medical Center in Owerri (FMCO), the training of personnel (cytoscreeners) and the monitoring of the activities.

In a second phase, fine-needle aspiration cytology will be introduced and screening for breast cancer will start.
The intervention, which has the support of government institutions, local universities and religious orders, wants to improve the early detection of female cancers and sensitize the population about the prevention, especially through the training of local health personnel by sending volunteers doctors and technicians.
For any information contact:

Dr. Roberto Monaco
UOC Anatomia Patologica
AORN Cardarelli – Napoli (Italy)
Tel.: +39 3355374740
+39 0817473543
