2012 EFCS Tutorial on Cytopathology


European Federation
of Cytology Societies

The 5th Annual Tutorial
on Cytopathology

Trondheim, Norway

Monday 28th May to
Friday 1st June 2012


Please contact torill.sauer@medisin.uio.no
if you want to be placed on a waiting list



This residential tutorial consists of lectures and microscope slidebased workshops on gynaecological and a wide range of nongynaecological cytopathology.

Tutorial venue: The Laboratory Centre, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

Lectures: Anna Bofin, Mina Desai, Annika Dejmek, Maj Liv Eide, Jaroslava Duskova, Amanda Herbert, Peter Jebsen, Leena Krogerus, Torill Sauer, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Edneia Tani, Martin Tötsch, Karmen Trutin Ostovic.

Download the program.

Enquiries to torill.sauer@medisin.uio.no


The participants must make their own arrangements with the hotel:

Comfort Hotel Park,
Prinsens gate 4A, N-7012 Trondheim

E-mail: co.park@choice.no

This hotel is in walking distance form the tutorial site.
In contacting the hotel, the participants must state that they are going to participate in the EFCS Tutorial.

single room 117€ per day
double room 72€ per person per day

The participants are free to stay in other hotels, but the above is reccommended.

For those who wish to share a double room we suggest two options:

  1. They arrange whom they share room with
  2. The hotel may arrange it if they want to share a room and does not know someone to share it with.